Documenting Life as a TwentySomething in the 21st Century

Archive for May, 2008

The Roaring Twenties: What It’s all About

This is my second blog processing my journey through life and trying to figure out LIFE and what it all means (ha!).  My first blog dealt with the transition from college into “the real world” as a post-student, and I can safely say that 2007 was my graduation from that limbo feeling and 2008 has brought a new chapter in life.

The Roaring Twenties is all about figuring out how to be and accept being an adult, trying to balance being a carefree, “enjoying life” twentysomething at the urgings of thirty/forty/fifty/sixtysomethings who are more the wiser, with all the expectations of achieving ultra success and changing the world as soon as possible from the same people of the same age groups in your family, friends and society.  It’s about navigating the new frontier of the 21st century world with all it’s post-isms and post movements as a human, a woman, a Black, the “future of America and the world”, and figuring out my place and identity in it.

It’s about finding a creative way to channel all the questions, confusions, angst and existential crises that inevitably seem to plague those of us in this decade.

I doubt any answers will come from these musings, just more questions, but hopefully some peace of mind.