Documenting Life as a TwentySomething in the 21st Century

Just Fun

Spelling and Grammar

Am in the throes of paper writing. Editing paper #1(10 pager) due in 3 hours. Somehow have to turn around and start working on Paper #2(20 pager) due in 3 days. As I edit, I see that the words I spell the most, and use the most, since this is Anthropology, are: societies, identities, cultural and interpretations. For whatever reason, this amuses me. It’s probably because I know that the misspelling of these words will be the bane of my writing existence throughout my life.

Some East Coast Flava in LA

Why am I’m soooo excited for this party?! I really hope that LA knows how to get down and dance when it matters. Will touch base with you afterward to let you know if I am satisfied. I think I can hang in LA if there is a significant dance culture here when I can find it!


Getting ready to dance till we sweat!