Documenting Life as a TwentySomething in the 21st Century



(This was actually written on Thursday, August 6th)

I’m semi-beginning the process of packing in that I’ve fully resolved to just get certain things done and end the procrastination.  I came home late tonight from a very productive meeting that I begrudgingly went to and that inspired and calmed me all at the same time! So, I wrote out my “to-dos” for tomorrow, put them in my newly acquired, and adjusting to the, Blackberry and then sorted out my clothes that I am going to drop off at the laundry tomorrow morning, on my way to the post-office.

I decided to watch my Netflix DVDs while I did all of this organizing. And on on my queue, are all the seasons of “Lost” up until the present. A bit nerdy, yes. But, I have never tried to hide the fact that I’m really into Sci Fi and Speculative Fiction. And, I got really into the show two seasons ago, but still felt the need to understand everything from the beginning because this show is like a labyrinth where you constantly are like, “what the fay is going on and what is this show about?”

And long story short, this show is blowing my mind all over again. What strikes me right now is that I think it is asking us, “Do you have what it takes?” Like, suppose this shit actually happened to you?! A long shot, yes, now with GPS on our berrys and iPhones, but what if you had to rely on nothing but your survival instincts and other people who you may or may not know?  Those moments are when you really see the stuff you are made of and what is needed for you to survive. On this show, you have, to name a few, a construction worker, a doctor, a former soldier, a con man. And some of these people, who in the real world may not have been seen by society and others in their life as valuable, but on this island have skills that are immensely valuable to the others around them in order for them all to survive.

I have seen glimpses these past few years since graduation of my stuff that I take pride in, but I think this next move to LA is really going to teach me some things that will allow me to grow more as a person, and to really know the stuff that I am made of that, should I ever wind up Lost on a remote, paranormal island, will allow me to survive and thrive.

The Roaring Twenties: What It’s all About

This is my second blog processing my journey through life and trying to figure out LIFE and what it all means (ha!).  My first blog dealt with the transition from college into “the real world” as a post-student, and I can safely say that 2007 was my graduation from that limbo feeling and 2008 has brought a new chapter in life.

The Roaring Twenties is all about figuring out how to be and accept being an adult, trying to balance being a carefree, “enjoying life” twentysomething at the urgings of thirty/forty/fifty/sixtysomethings who are more the wiser, with all the expectations of achieving ultra success and changing the world as soon as possible from the same people of the same age groups in your family, friends and society.  It’s about navigating the new frontier of the 21st century world with all it’s post-isms and post movements as a human, a woman, a Black, the “future of America and the world”, and figuring out my place and identity in it.

It’s about finding a creative way to channel all the questions, confusions, angst and existential crises that inevitably seem to plague those of us in this decade.

I doubt any answers will come from these musings, just more questions, but hopefully some peace of mind.